The need for a professional portrait

Do you have a small business?  Does the style of your head shot photo match your brand?  Were you 10 years younger in your photo?  Are you looking for a new job?  What does your LinkedIn photo look like?  Is someone else’s shoulder in it?  Do you look friendly, relaxed, and confident in your current…

Mac & Mia – Spring Styles, model that!!

Well, she is a bit of a wild, unpredictable one.  And she sure loves fashion! Maybe those things go hand in hand!  At a young age, this gal was interested in choosing outfits all by herself.  Often in many layers.  Once she came downstairs wearing 7 shirts.  Yes 7.  One on top of the other….

Using my STUDIO space!

For almost a year now I have been able to invite clients into my personal studio space for sessions.  It’s a cozy place, has good natural light and has been enjoyed by many.   I recently hosted a family here for their second child’s newborn photos.  They preferred a space other than their home (which…

Oh so little, Oh so sweet…

Newborn sessions are always special to me.  Whether it be for first time parents, or for the second or third child, I always reflect back on when my children were born.  The uniqueness of each one.  The tininess of every feature.  The endless expressions.  The movement of little arms and little legs.  The little breathing…

when life gives you raindrops…

Another weekend packed with scheduled photo sessions along with a 50/50 chance for rain in Seattle.  Ah, the perfect conundrum. Do you go for the back-to-back mini session photos or do you attempt the dreadful reschedule?  I love watching the weather and the radar, being prepared for just about anything, but I am not a…

loving your lovie

Oh, the cuteness in a lovie!  These tattered (and sometimes torn) comfort items are so precious to our little ones.  Providing a magical ability to calm a child.  To immediately put them at ease.  A simple something to hold on to.   Something to incorporate into imaginary play.  Something to cuddly with as they drift…

almost TOO much fun!

It was a perfect, mild, sunny, afternoon .  The sun was perfectly positioned.  I was on my 15th (and final!) session this past weekend.  Whew!  Perhaps feeling a little tired, but I held on and dug deep for the final bits of energy needed for this last session.  Thank goodness for kids, who seem to…

Finding your puddle!

In Seattle, for about 75% of the year, your can usually find a puddle to jump in.  Likely right outside your front door.  But some lucky fall days, there are no puddles.  Just sunshine.   And beautiful fall leaves. So you must go find your water to stomp in!  The lake will do!  Sunshine plus…

Siblings are SPECIAL!

I tell my girls (almost every day) that “sisters are special”.  I think they will remember that phrase when they grow up – I say it that much.  And they truly love each other.  My goal as a mom is to not only have them love each other as children, but also have them love…

Spousal Mileage

Before kids, young couples do adventurous things.  After kids, there is a pause in some outings (for most).  Well, the day came which allowed for a long hike in the Colorado Rockies.  With a village taking care of kids and dogs, we were up at 5am and eager to head out.   The most peaceful…

Circles in nature

Out for a midday hike while on vacation.  Kids were in day camp (wahoo!), so what could I possibly photograph?  I pondered a bit while walking and decided to hunt for a shape.  How about circles?! It is amazing how many round elements I spotted while out for this hike.   Some purely from nature,…